"The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible." ~Vladimir Nabakov

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Homage to a Perfect Summer

 Batman's happiest Summer.
 I was on so much medication...
 Our second day together and it felt like we'd always been friends.
 "Pretty Boy" Floyd and Alphonse
 In Savannah for AATA!
 Visiting Cousin Johnny! (Lera behind camera) I'm so glad you came with us :)
No caption can equal this photo. It speaks for itself.
 I was constantly making them pose for tarot card designs.
 A humid, but happier, Abigail.
 ...And here I am failing at glamourous. Lera, on the other hand...succeeds flawlessly!
 At the White House!
 Katie comes to visit!

 The Ocean <3 p="">

 The road, the beloved road.
Wonderful Lera, who I am so happy to call my friend and with whom 
I was so very blessed to spend my Summer.


Lera, I know I speak for Abby and Joe and everyone you met in Emporia when I say you brightened our little town just as your friendship brightens my life. I know you'll be back; I have no doubt. You have family here.

Katie, I'm so glad you got to come visit and drink and sing and meet Lera, have a night-long chat on my porch, and stop Abby and me from killing eachother. Your're so good at that.

Joe, the way you looked at me when I got back from AATA ~ I'll always love it. Also, thank you for saving my life while I was on the ferris wheel.

Abby, my god it was fun, wasn't it? I loved our whole year of being just minutes away from eachother; and we had a hell of a Summer didn't we?

And Mom and Dad, thanks for welcoming yet another daughter to the family, and for talking me down when I had to go buy a baseball bat and spend the night in Denny's and Walmart, and assuring me I didn't jinx us all to doom in that godforsaken hotel in Ohio. Thank you for everything.

And everyone who was a part of this glorious Summer, all my art therapy buddies, old friends, new friends, family, etc.