"The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible." ~Vladimir Nabakov

Monday, February 27, 2012

Mucha and Kahlo

A little something of my two favorite artists.

Frida Kahlo
Thinking of Death - 1943

"The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to, 
and I paint whatever passes through my head 
                                                         without any other consideration."

Alphonse Mucha 
 Primrose and Feather - 1899

"The purpose of my work was never to destroy but always to create,
 to construct bridges, because we must live in the hope 
that humankind will draw together and that the better
 we understand each other the easier this will become." 

Inspired by my brilliant cousin, Ribbons Undone, I've decided to make this blog a regularly updated thing. I'll be posting when able, but certainly at least once a month, if not more often. Here, you will find bits of my writing, (which I have hitherto been exceptionally private about), my art, and occasional blogging of daily life.

As to my writing, I have several works in progress, each of which will have excerpts posted here.
I do hope to publish some day, so I'm afraid I'm not going to be posting any of them in their entirety, with the exception of 'Avenging Asgard'.

What have I got in my mind?

Avenging Asgard

Abby challenged me to write a nordic scifi action adventure... and so this was created. Based on the Death of Baldur in Norse mythology with some slight modifications. Written in 2008, it has nothing to do with the comic or the movie, though I do love both. Enjoy!

Wandering Moon - 7 page excerpt

The story of a strange girl in a strange world, who wakes in the forest with no memory of how she got there nor any idea who she is.