"The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible." ~Vladimir Nabakov

Monday, February 27, 2012

Avenging Asgard

Abby challenged me to write a nordic scifi action adventure... and so this was created. Based on the Death of Baldur in Norse mythology with some slight modifications. Written in 2008, it has nothing to do with the comic or the movie, though I do love both. Enjoy!

The Doors hissed to a close behind him as Thor Aesir rushed down the landing steps of Mjollnir. He had rushed through hyper space at record time to arrive at his parent’s hall of Valhalla from Bilskiner, his own home. This would normally bring a smile to his face, but this time the tall red head sped toward the two great doors with a grim determination.

He had been at home repairing some old weaponry when his mother’s frantic face had come onto the screen saying something had gone wrong, there was trouble, something with Baldr, and would he hurry fast – she hadn’t answered any questions but had switched off while in the midst of yelling something at his youngest half brother Vali.

That brat – of course he would do something, but it must be bad, Thor had no memories of his mother ever being in such a state of distress.

He took in a deep breathe and squaring his shoulders he pushed open both of the great oak doors. Light spilled in behind him to illuminate a troubling scene. 

His father’s wife stood in front of his half brother Hodr while Vali berated the two of them in a stream of incoherent rage, Rind, Vali’s mother, and his father’s latest mistress stood off to the side doing nothing. Instead it was his own mother who kept trying to pull Vali back, screaming over him, “Calm down, don’t do this! We don’t know what happened!” 

As all noticed Thor standing in the doorway a silence fell, but only for a moment.
Looking around the room, only one person was missing. “You said something about Baldr – what happened mother?” He spoke to Jord, his mother only, but it was Vali his younger brother who replied. “He’s dead – dead by the hand of his own brother! Hodr has killed him! Our best brother – Baldr – dead! Will it be us next?!” he launched himself again at Hodr, and was barely held back by formidable Jord.

“WHAT?!” Thor bellowed grabbing the younger and smaller Vali by the back of his collar. Holding his youngest brother up in one arm, he turned to his closest brother Hodr, the strong man was silent, his blind eyes full of hot tears. His mother Frigg stood in front of him, arms outstretched, sobbing openly.

Vali continued to writhe in his stronger brothers grasp and finally he twisted free and fell to the floor. Jumping up immediately he turned to Hodr and Frigg again.


Jord and Frigg gasped, Rind stayed silent, her eyes wide. Hodr hung his head, clearly in misery as he did not try to defend himself; though blind, he could easily have bested Vali in a fight, and had on many occasions.

Thor felt a pit of cold fill his stomach at his impulsive brother’s words. Serious words.
Everyone was frozen in place. Vali, his hands clenched in rage, shook with unreasonable malice. Thor turned his head toward his little brother slowly. His blue eyes cold with anger. The vision of him in this way had sent many jotun running, but Vali stepped up close unfearing and on his toes looked his older brother in the eyes. “I swear.” The wiry redhead hissed.

In one instant, a heartbeat of an instant, Thors hand flew out and slammed right into Vali’s head in a thundering backhand. No matter how full of rage he had been, he was now out cold on the floor. Rind ran to him and pulled him off to the side into a parlor with a last unreadable look at the rest of the family.

With Vali out of the way, Thor was now able to ask his mother why she had called him.

“Baldr, dead, really?” He choked out the words. The third brother had always been a link joining the others. He had always been around to make peace between Thor and Vali, He had been close to each of them. He had been a shining example, and though Thor knew his father respected him regardless of their differences and had made him his heir, he knew Odin would despair the loss of  Baldr more keenly than he would anyone. Hodr, Vali, and Thor understood this as they loved their brother Baldr’s golden nature themselves.

Jord merely nodded her head and looked away.

Thor stepped toward Hodr, but Frigg would not move out of the way, tears still streaming down her face.

“I mean no harm. Hodr is my brother and friend. Whatever happened here, I know he would never harm our Baldr.”

Frigg must have seen the sincerity in his eyes as she stepped away. Hodr sat on the floor, his strong arms resting on his drawn up knees, his head bowed.

“My brother, what happened here?” Thor asked putting one hand on Hodr’s shoulder.

Hodr turned toward his older brother’s voice. “Everyone was here, Ran, his daughters, Heimdallr, Hermod, Bragi, Dollingr, Loki and Sigyn, and many visitors from Vanihiem, Alfheimer and even some from Midgard. We were playing games. You know how Baldr is untouchable – everyone throws things at him and never is he hurt –“ Hodr’s voice cracked at this and it took some time for him to get it under control again. “Loki  handed me a spear and told me to throw it, saying there was  no reason I could not take part in the fun.” He sighed. “I threw it, and then…Baldr was gone.”

A scowl crossed Thor’s expressive face. “Loki.” He growled the name. “that bastard. He is always at the heart of things gone wrong! And where is he now? And the spear?!” Thor cast around the room looking for evidence of the foul plots of his one time comrade. The spear lay where baldr must have fallen when the transport gate to Niflehiem opened to swallow him up. Standing, Thor gave his despairing brother a squeeze on the shoulder and walked over to the disgarded weapon. Dark red blood stained the tip. Baldr never bled, he was never hurt… “Mother, Frigg – by what substance could Baldr be killed?”

The two women came to his side. Jord spoke first. “Nothing. Nothing in this world could harm Baldr. I don’t understand it, how loki could find such a thing…” Frigg’s voice came shakily from her throat. Clearing it she said “One thing could hurt him, but I had no cause to worry over it, we thought it extinct. Mistle toe, a parasitic flora that once grew on Midgard. How did he come by it? I KNOW hodr did not want to kill Baldr”, she again contested, “He loved his brother!” Thor cut her off reassuring her. “I do not believe Hodr to be guilty of anything here but believing Loki, a fault we all have had at one time.” Thor picked up the weapon and after a look at the two women who raised him he turned again to his despondent brother Hodr. “Come Hodr” he said reaching down to his brother again. “I have a plan, but we must leave before father returns. He will, I’m sure already suspect something has happened – that is if Hel has not already told him in her glee..” He ended darkly. “Let me take care of things with Vali, it will be best if  you stay hidden for a while until this blows over.” Hodr stood. “Your wisdom is usually sound brother, though I still feel responsible for Baldr’s descent to Nifleheim, and perhaps I should be joining him there.”

Thor took hold of Hodr’s shoulder and spoke clearly to him “I have lost one brother too many, would you have me lose another?” and then in an attempt to lighten the tone he added with a hearty chuckle “Would you consign me to a fate with only Vali as a brother?! I would have to go into Nifleheim myself gladly rather than face that! And then where would Asgard be in his hands? Ha!” He turned Hodr toward the door. “Trust me brother. I think you will like where I take you; a more comfortable hideaway could never be conceived of.” 

As Hodr ambled toward the door, clearly still in deep despair over what his hands had guided, Thor turned again to Frigg and his mother. “Its best that you don’t know where I will hide him. Vali will awaken at some point and question you. Please understand I do love little Vali, but I will shed less tears over his loss than that of true Hodr. He will fight me, and I will not hold back. I will try to contact you mother. Frigg, trust that Hodr will be safe.” 

The big man leaned to embrace both women and then himself walked out the door toward his ship. With a light beep and a click he remotely opened the airlock doors and as the two brothers stepped aboard and strapped into their seats Thor turned to Hodr with a grin. “I had better call ahead.” He pushed a button on the small screen in the console “Vanaheim please. Brisingamen Limited, Ms. Vanir’s office.”

“What a mess.” Jord turned to Frigg and pulled her close in an embrace. “There, there. I know..I know.” She consoled her as best she could. There would always be jealousy between the two women, Jord jealous that Frigg held the title and the marriage by laws, and Frigg jealous that Jord had born Odin the most sought after son, though her own first born had been but a few years later. Still, Frigg had effectively just lost both her children in one day, one hour even. Jord would never have wished that on her.

For a few moments Frigg cried into her rival and friend Jord’s shoulder, then drying her eyes she stood tall and commanding once again, gulping down the remnants of tears she cleared her throat. “I have a plan. Come, I’d prefer not to be overheard.” She gestured toward the door through which Rind had pulled the unconscious Vali earlier. The two moved off onto a side porch over looking the steamy hot spring lagoon that melted away the everpresent snow. “I’ll call to Hermod. As spokesman, and as one of Odin’s closest friends he can go to Nifleheim and negotiate a release of Baldr, or else remind Hel why the Aesir rule Asgard and free Baldr with force if necessary.”

“What a good idea – When Thor contacts me we can tell him of this, if Baldr is freed and returned to the world of the living Vali will have no cause for animosity toward Hodr, all can be forgotten!” Jord grinned, knowing Hermod’s track record she was sure he could deal with that Hel. Frigg nodded, her eyes dry now, fully in command of herself “My thoughts exac –“ but her sentence was interrupted by the opeining of the parlor door as Rind stepped out. 

“Vali looks to wake up soon, I think he’ll be fine.” She smiled over at the two other women on the porch. Her smile could have convinced anyone who didn’t look to her eyes, they were like daggers with no warmth in them for her two rivals.

“Oh.” Jord replied choosing not to play her game, she glared openly at the younger woman. “How wonderful for you.” Frigg replied icily with a smile even sweeter.

Rind turned casually and walked out of the room, head held high. “Well, I suppose a mother’s place is at her son’s side, so…” she closed the door behind her with a soft click.

“Uhrm..oh…”Vali mumbled, sitting up from where his mother had left him. His head throbbed and was that a loose tooth? He felt around with his tongue. Yes, yes it was. With another pained grumble he opened his eyes. It took several blinks to get the room to come into focus. “No one can say Thor dosn’t deserve his reputation..” He mumbled darkly.

“Vali – you’re awake!” Rind’s voice grated on his aching head.


“Sorry my prince. Here.” Her face came into focus as she held a wet towel up to the side of his head where his brother’s backhand had left a stinging mark.

“How long -?” He asked his mother taking the towel from her hand and holding to his jaw now where the loose tooth throbbed violently.

“You’ve been out for nearly 4 hours. Thor has left, he has taken Hodr with him. Frigg and Jord are whispering secrets to one another..”

Vali sat up straighter. “Thor has taken Hodr? I did not see Loki hand him the spear, and even if he did, it was Hodr who threw it! The law is clear – a death for a death, Hodr is my brother, I would not have thought he  would be a murderer, but having seen it myself!” He said all this very quickly, one sentence running into the other.

“I know, but…maybe you WERE a bit hasty invoking your father in this.. you know once sworn –“

“I meant every word mother! I will not back down, not to give Thor the satisafaction.”

“Well, just what are you going to do? Your father will be very displeased about this, already I am sure he knows you have sworn something in his name, and when he arrives and finds out why…oh, the despair and anger will be something unheard of . We all loved Baldr, but your haste has torn the family apart….though, of course…”

“What Mother?” Vali looked at Rind in exasperation.

“Well, you could come out the better in this..you know I didn’t see Loki hand hodr the spear either, 
and thor has simply whisked away the man who’s actions were responsible for Baldr’s death…you alone have done all things according to the law…You could come through this for the better, not to in any way diminish the pain we all feel at the loss of Bladr, of course. I just have to look out for you, my prince.”

“I know mother, you always have my best interests at heart.” Vali sighed. He stood up stiffly. “I will have to go after Thor. Tell Father where his sons are; he knows how to contact us.” He stretched and walked to the side table and picked up his keys. “I’ll take Vengeance; Mjollnir may be faster, and Thor has some serious ammo upgrades, but nothing beats my shields.” Vali cracked a crooked grin. “I’m all grown up, don’t worry.” 

Turning, he pushed open the door and walked into the main hall. But she did worry. Only now did she seem to remember that Thor and Vali had never been the closest, and knowing both their temperaments, she did worry. Hanging her head she thought to herself that things could go really well for Vali or really bad..”What have I done?” she whispered in the emptiness of the room.

It was later that evening after Vali got no leads from either Frigg or Jord,  but left in hopes of tracking his older brother anyway, that Frigg waited in the great hall for Hermod. 

Seated in her golden throne next to the empty one of Odin’s, his adorned in raven’s feathers and the horns of great beasts, while her’s was encrusted with jewels and intricate braided designs. She made a striking figure, her once blonde hair shone in the indirect golden lighting that illuminated the hall. She waited, but she did not have to wait long. 

A clear ‘ding’ sounded and the intercom announced to her in a monotone voice that Hermod had arrived. She lightly pushed against one of the rubies in the arm of her throne and the doors opened silkily to admit her chief negotiator. 

Hermod strode in confidently in his crisp uniform emblazoned with Odin’s characteristic symbol of two ravens upon a blue cloak. He knelt before her.

“My Lady Frigg.”

“Arise Hermod. You were here earlier, and saw what happened. I ask you, tell me what you saw with your own eyes.” She kept her voice calm and unwavering though she had lost both her sons today to uncertain fates, she did not let it show.

He rose and began to pace as he recounted the events as he had noticed them. “We were all playing games of course, throwing things at Baldr as he is never hurt even by the most deadly weapon… I recall most visitors laughing, many were sitting gathered in a circle. Before Hodr, I recall Vali threw a pair of daggers, Heimdallr shot a phaser once or twice, I myself threw an antique axe, then as I moved out of the way to let someone else, I saw Hodr with the spear, He stepped forward with one step. He was smiling, and seemed light hearted, It’s my opinion that he never thought he would hurt Baldr,” He stoped pacing for a moment and ran his hand through his shoulder length blonde hair; he brought it to his beard and resumed pacing as he absentmindedly scratched his chin. “…I recall Loki walking away behind hodr toward Sigyn. I had wondered why he would leave so suddenly, but I did not spare much time for that thought as Hodr’s spear struck and…Baldr fell. I was shocked.” 

He stopped in front of Frigg and walked up to the dias. Looking her in the eyes. “Had you not ordered all who were not family to leave, I would have stayed your majesty. Baldr was a good soul. I cannot believe him lost forever.”

Hermod saw the Queen of all Asgard lean forward in her throne. She rested her elbows in her lap and cradled her chin in her hands. Her blue eyes softened for a moment. Hermod was not surprised to see that they were ringed in red and seemed a bit puffy. She spoke and somehow she kept all the sadness she must be feeling loked deep away from the surface. 

“I certainly hope he is not lost forever either. That’s precisely why I called you here today.” She stood and walked down the steps of the dias to be on his level. “You have proved yourself an expert negotiator, and when force is necessary, you always know just how much to apply. Hermod, I must ask you to go somewhere quite dangerous, but there is no one else I would send.”

Hermod could surmise where she was going with this. He rested his hand on the blaster at his hip and stood steady on his feet. “To Niflehiem. Gladly will I go to free Baldr. One way or another, I will return with him or not at all.” 

Friggs eyes lit up and he could tell she was relieved at his confidence. “Thank you Hermod, that brings me great peace to know I can tell Odin that his most trusted and capable friend goes after our son.”

Together they walked toward the doors. “I will go straight away.” Hermod bowed low to his old friend’s wife and turned to leave the hall. 

“HERMOD!” Frigg called hurrying to catch up with him. “You need to know, more hangs on this than Baldr. Vali blames Hodr, he has sworn to kill him in retaliation, while Thor has kept a level head…well, level as much as he can, and has taken Hodr somewhere safe, Vali has gone after him and Thor was very clear that if Vali were to engage him he will not take it easy on his little brother. I fear our family will be torn apart, and all hinges on Baldr’s safe return.”

Hermod reached out a hand and gripped the Queens’ shoulder gently, looking her levelly in the eyes, he spoke seriously “I will not fail you; I will not return without Baldr, he is good, true, and the sweetest of us; Nifleheim is no place for him, and surely Hel’s cold prison cannot contain his light.” He smiled and was relieved to see Frigg do the same.

He dropped his hand back to the weapon on his hip and with a swirl of his blue cloak he turned and was out the door and on the way to the transport station. Reflecting on his mission hermod felt keenly the pressure upon him. He had told Frigg there was no need for worry, but he knew that it would be very difficult to get Hel to let go of a prize such as Odin’s golden prince. He must try with all he had, or indeed never return from the icy realm. Without Baldr, Asgard would be a more dismal place, ever more dismal a place if his brothers succeeded in rending the family in twain. Loki…that mischievous boy had grown into a malicious man…as soon as he returned with Baldr he vowed to make sure  Loki paid for his actions.

Before Hermod reached the great doors, they blew inward with a resounding crash. The thick wood splintered along the frames and the gold hinges hung loosely barely keeping the massive doors upright. Beside the doors, the intercom hung from its wires and crackled static incoherently.

As Hermod steadied himself, pulling his blaster from its holster, a figure stomped through the mixture of smoke and fog preceded by two large dark shapes. No…two large dark birds...! Realization dawned on Hermod and he hastily returned his weapon and dropped to one knee as Odin and his two ravens Huginn and Muninn materialized through the haze.

“Oh get up! I’m in no mood Hermod!” The ancient yet ageless man growled. As Muninn and Huginn circled the room and together alighted onto their master’s throne Odin’s one blue eye squinted around the room. He spoke to everyone and no one in particular. “I see my beautiful women, but none of my handsome sons…”

Frigg glanced toward Jord in the doorway to the porch and to the sliver of what could be seen of Rind from the crack in the door to the receiving room. For a very rare moment, the three women shared the same thought. He knows already.

“Yes I do.” Odin confirmed as he stepped past Frigg and began pacing the edge of the hall. “I had thought to myself, surely Hel is up to her old tricks, trying to get me to attack her openly so she can then retaliate…I thought surely it was not Baldr.” Fists clenched behind his back the patriarch of the Aesir looked down on the steam issuing up from the lagoon and was silent. The hall and the others in it froze as though all life had paused. Then turning from the window he faced the barely open door behind which Rind stared out. “But then, as though from far away I heard my youngest boy’s voice.” He lips curled in a tight joyless smile. “Swearing vengeance. A death for a death. In my name, no less.” The door closed with the smallest of clicks as footsteps were heard retreating from the hall, and Odin now turned his attention to Jord standing in the doorway opposite.

“What I would like to know was what happened since then.” He stood in front of Jord but now turned his eye to his wife Frigg. “Why the best and sweetest of my sons is in Nifleheim in Hel’s icy clutches; why sturdy and honest Hodr is the one blamed for his death…” his eye slid back to Jord “…Why my strongest and eldest is missing when he should BE HERE TO PUT ALL THIS NONSENSE BACK TOGETHER!” Silence answered him as his words echoed along the cavernous ceiling.

“WELL?!” Odin bellowed again throwing his arms out to the side, his tattered blue cloak flying back as the wind shook through the great hall as though it were no more than a shack on Midgard.

Through the gale, Hermod strode forward, but as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Rind.  “I can tell you my lord” She smiled and hooked one arm around Odin’s.

“Oh no, you will not!” Both Frigg and Jord spoke at once, and though both reached for the younger smaller Rind it was Jord, as tall and strong as her son, who reached her first. Wrenching her away from Odin, whose eye surveyed the scene unfolding with interest; she tossed Rind aside and noticed that she had more wits about her then her son. The sulky brunette stayed against the far wall and clenched her fists, her eyes slits of just held in rage.

Odin gave his second mistress half a glance, and then grinned as he turned back toward his oldest loves Jord and Frigg as the two stood side by side. “So I leave for a few months and it all boils over I see.” his voice dripped with sarcasm before laughing madly.
“A god can’t just go off to enjoy some mead with his brothers and stir a few wars on Midgard anymore it seems without his sons turning all of Asgard on its head. He strode forward toward his throne continuing to laugh as though it was all a hilarious joke.

Hermod followed directly behind him, as Jord and Frigg latched the door to the great hall. Rind’s green eyes went wide as she realized she wasn’t welcome to follow. Jord glared and Frigg smiled coolly as together they closed the door on their simmering rival.

Frigg took her seat next to her husband on the dias and motioned for Hermod to step forward. ‘Hermod was there as it happened; he saw with his watchful eyes what the rest of us missed. He will be the best one to explain…the tragedy.” Hermod recounted the events just as he had not an hour ago. With each sentence Odin’s hands gripped the edges of his throne more tightly and his un patched eye flew from wide open to squinted so tightly the color was indiscernible. His voice let out a gasp at Baldr’s fall; a growl as Hermod admitted to having seen Loki leave as Hodr stepped forth; a deep chuckle as Frigg filled in Thor’s arrival and reaction to Vali, and an agreeing “mmhmm” When Hermod told of the mission given him by Frigg.

Once all the facts where out silence hung in the hall, the only sound was the tapping of his fingers as Odin beat a rhythm along the arm of his seat. Suddenly and inexplicably he let out a guffaw and tilting his head back his laughter filled the room as it echoed back to him. Standing, he reached for his spear Gungnir and strode calmly down the steps, with Huginn and Munnin in the air behind him. “Boys will be boys. I’ll have my eye on them, but I’ve got things to do.” He grinned back at Frigg, blew her a kiss, and immediately did the same toward Jord. “Don’t be TOO cruel to Rind.” His grin spread even wider. Striding toward the doors he stopped and clapped Hermod on the shoulder. “See to it that Baldr is returned.” His blue eye went icy though his grin remained. “I know you will.”

Odin had unlatched the doors and was half way past them when he stopped short and called back over his shoulder “Maybe I’ll have a chat with Mimir…no, I don’t want it ruined for me.” He took one more step then called back “…And get these doors fixed!” Before he was gone amidst a thundering of hooves.

Thor leaned over toward Hodr as he guided Mjollnir to a landing. His brother still seemed despondent, his broad shoulders slumped; he sat in his seat, a man defeated.

“Just stay right here. You’ve got to trust me; I’ll take care of this.” Thor clapped his brother on the shoulder as he passed him on the way out. “Hodr, you’re where every man wants to be.” He smiled broadly and knew his brother could hear the smile in his confidence.

Thor was confident. He stepped assuredly down the steps of Mjollnir and strode toward the dazzling gold building that was Brisingamen Ltd clicking the airlock doors closed with a beep over his shoulder as he grasped the gleaming round handles and crossed into the bustling business run by the reknown beauty Freya Vanir.

Brisingamon Ltd had at its heart a lush courtyard ringed by offices, conference rooms and labs where Ms. Vanir’s scientists created the most sought after beauty products. It was in this courtyard that Thor found himself looking upward into the concentric circles of golden floors trying to remember where Freya’s office was. Luckily, he was spared the indignity of asking someone as Freya appeared exiting a meeting one floor up. The crowd around her parted and she leaned over the railing and waved down to him. “I’ll be right with you,” she mouthed to him before turning toward a white coated woman holding out a clipboard.

Moments later Freya rounded the stair to the first floor. Thor had to remember Sif, beautiful, beautiful Sif, to keep from gaping like a common man at the young goddess of beauty.  Freya walked toward him with an easy gait. She was dressed in a dark blue pencil skirt pen striped in gold that matched her silk top and shining gold hair. Her blue eyes dazzled, only magnified in color by the contrast of the amber drops at each ear.

Smiling broadly, she looped her arm in his and steered him back toward the door he had come through. “I understand we must keep this quiet, yes?”  Freya whispered, her breathe tantalizingly close and smelling of honey and rose and everything sweet. ‘Sif. Sif . Sif.’ Thor repeated in his mind. “Absolutely. I’ll need a safe place while I deal with the…situation.” Shaking his head clear he refocused and got a hold of himself.

Thor opened the doors to Mjollnir with a beep and he and Freya stepped aboard.  Hodr was sitting where Thor had left him. He had unfastened the strap and had been leaning forward onto the control board, head propped up in his hands, eyes blankly staring forward. He turned toward the sound of his brother and Freya stepping inside.

Hodr stood to greet Freya. He couldn’t help but feel as though he was a burden. Guilt ate at him, twisting his insides, but he attempted to mask it. “Thank you for the sanctuary. I am forever in your debt for this hospitalit--” His words stopped as he felt her hand in his. He hadn’t realized how close she had gotten. Her scent was intoxicating. The fragrance of a thousand flowers radiated from her body.  “Nonsense. It has been long since I have had the pleasure of your company Hodr. You’ve grown quite a bit since then, when we were both quite young… it’s high time we catch up.” Her voice was soft and clear like the sound of…well, he couldn’t think of anything close to it.

Hodr turned to face her. “You’re as beautiful as everyone says.”  Bright laughter greeted his words as she squeezed his hands tighter. “But you’re so sweet; how can you know if I am beautiful or not?” He could tell she was right in front of him now. He felt himself grin for the first time since Baldr’s death. “I don’t need eyes to see that you are…” his words stuck in his throat, suddenly nervous. “Beautiful beyond compare.” Hodr finished the sentence though he felt his face flush like a young boy. He knew it was true that he had not the experience of his older brother, and the strong young man had often found himself shy around women. Though he was intimidated by the power of the softness and sweetness he sensed in front of him now, he was also overcome with an ease he had not felt all that terrible day. An ease that only further melted his worries as he felt Freya move forward toward him and heard her whisper “You may not know nor care, but you’re quite handsome yourself Hodr.”

He was brought back from his newfound peace as Thor cleared his throat and spoke. “Its good to know I chose the right hiding place.” Hodr could hear his brother’s grin and answered it with his own.  His older brother continued, now pacing the width of the ship with heavy footfalls.

“Now, Freya, it is of utmost importance that no one knows Hodr is here. He’ll have to stay hidden from everyone until I return.” Thor’s pacing stopped. “Should I not return, he may need to stay hidden indefinitely.”

At this Hodr felt the gnawing teeth of guilt and helplessness again. He turned toward his brother “No. I can fight my own battles Thor. If I cannot win against Vali then I should join Baldr…in Nifleheim. His shoulders slumped weakly again as his ease and peace receded; replaced by the despair he had carried all day.

Freya, who had stood beside Hodr now stepped between the brothers, she reached out a hand to rest on either chest. “No more arguments.” She smiled and calm flowed through her. “I am a busy woman; we need to get Hodr inside quickly.” She turned to face Thor “I am sure you’ll beat little Vali if he does not back down.” Hodr could feel her moving to face his direction now. “Hodr, don’t speak that way. I would cry to think of you in Nifleheim, even more than I did for kind Baldr.

Hodr felt his tension fade though some of the heavy guilt remained, cold in the pit of his stomach. He heard Freya drop her hand from Thor’s chest, and a moment later, the other left his.

Thor spoke up again “We’ll have to make sure he gets in unrecognized. I have a cloak here –“ the sound of cloth rustling from the back of Mjollnir came to Hodr’s ears. It seemed Freya hadn’t even looked at the cloak before she answered “no, no…that would still look odd, people would talk about the man in the cloak that Thor brought Freya…much to obvious.” From the direction of her words Hodr knew she was still facing his way. Her words began to circle as she moved around him. “No, ..I think a disguise is best.”

To Be Continued...

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